Basic tourist information about the country
Maps, most useful for travelling:
England: London is the place to start. Nowhere in the country can match the scope and innovation of the metropolis, a colossal, frenetic city, perhaps not as immediately attractive as its European counterparts, but with so much variety that the only obstacle to a great time is the shockingly high cost of everything. It’s here that you’ll find Britain’s best spread of nightlife, cultural events, museums, galleries, pubs and restaurants.
At the link below you can find info about London, where to go, where to live and eat,...
Another places to visit:
At the link below there is 10 Top Attractions in the UK. There are places like a Buckingham Palace, York, Stonehenge, ...
London 360 from St Paul’s Cathedral - source |
Scotland: is a country that occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain. It is part of the United Kingdom, and shares a land border to the south with England. It is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the southwest. In addition to the mainland, Scotland consists of over 790 islands including the Northern Isles and the Hebrides.
Edinburgh, the country’s capital and second largest city, is one of Europe’s largest financial centres.
Top 10 destinations of Scotland
Edinburgh from Edinburgh Castle - source |