Everybody knows it and almost everybody grew with it. Wonderful & colourful blocks called Lego are one of the most famous things connected with Denmark. And what else is typical for the world of children? Fairy-tails written by Hans Christian Andersen.
Legoland in Denmark
- www.legoland.dk
Legoland - source Hans Christian Andersen
- www.andersen.sdu.dk
H.CH. Andersen - source |
There were a lot of famous persons in the Danish history. The astronomical discoveries of Tycho de Brahe lead to understanding the theory of the principles of conversation of energy. Many programmers are also connected with Denmark. The inventor of the C++ language Bjarne Stroustrup or Andre Hejlsberg who bring in the Pascal, Delphi and C# are also Danish. Danes loves jazz music and we could find there a lot of good jazz players too. A complete list of Famous Danish’s persons and cultural specials is available here:
Danes are proud of their history and Denmark is also Land of Vikings. Don’t miss the classical Viking Market! Or do you rather prefer carnival? These and more events are available every year in the event list.
Everybody loves food. Try some specialties from the Danish national cuisine.
National Stereotypes
Are you interested in Danish society and culture? Eighty six percent of people in Denmark belong to the Evangelical Lutheran church. Danes are very open for foreigners. Did you know that almost everybody can speak English, is very kind and responsible? "Denmark is an egalitarian society. Interestingly this is reflected in their language, which employs gender-neutral words. Most Danes are modest about their own accomplishments and are more concerned about the group than their own individual needs."
With the national stereotypes are connected the questions of etiquette and social conventions.
"Privacy is a primary value in Danish etiquette. One is not supposed to invite oneself into another person’s house or look into other people’s land, property, and salary. Danes show few emotions publicly, as the open expression of feelings is considered a sign of weakness. Unless provoked, Danes avoid getting into an argument, and they dislike being interrupted during a conversation."
Do you want to know more about common manners (dining etc.), ethics and even more? We strongly recommend you to visit web pages below.
About core values and behaviours you could read above in the part allocated for etiquette and social convection. This information will be expanded there with few sentences about behaviours in work, at school or along whole society. "Informality is considered a virtue. However, informality in social interaction makes it difficult to enter new social circles. At dinner parties, meetings, and conferences, there are no formal introductions, leaving it up to people to initiate interaction." www.everyculture.com
We must mention that the working conditions for women in Denmark are compared to countries in Middle and Eastern Europe really better in many ways. Many websites include statements like: "Women are highly respected in business and generally receive equal pay and have access to senior positions. Working mothers can easily arrange flexible hours so that they can maintain both a career and a family. Danish women expect to be treated with respect in the office." www.kwintessential.co.uk.
Many Danish students have a part-time job while they are studying. Students from outside the EU/EEA can apply for a work permit as part of their residence permit, which entitles them to work for up to 15 hours a week during the semester, and full time during the summer holiday, i.e. June, July and August. www.studyindenmark.dk
The way of teaching in Denmark