800 000 BC. – the first pugs of people occured in the territory of today Belgium

500 BC – Celtic tribes settled here, from their name – lat. Belgae – comes contemporary name of the state and people

150 BC – the first coins were made

57 BC – Julius Caesar and his army occupied the land of Belgae – new Roma province Gallia Belgica.

5th century – Belgium is a part of Frankish Empire and than a part of Holy Roman Empire.

977 - foundation of Brussels

981 - Vikings were defeated in 981 by Arnulf of Carinthia

11th and 12th century – Belgium is divided into 7 historical lands:

County of Flanders

Marquisate of Namur

Duchy of Brabant

County of Hainaut

Duchy of Limburg


Bishopric of Liège

13th and 14th century - the golden age of Flanders: „By importing wool from England and weaving it into fine cloth for sale on the continent, the Flemish cities became exceedingly wealthy, populous, and powerful. By 1300, Ghent, Bruges, and Ypres, in particular, had gained virtual autonomy from aristocratic rule, developing the proud civic culture that still distinguishes them today."

The Kingdom of France tried to control the Flanders – it was successful in 1329.

14th-15th century – in the end of the Hundred Year War (1337-1453) between France and England, Philip the Bold of Burgundy became the ruler of Flanders in 1384 – the beginning of the Burgundian Period

1482 – 1795 – the rule of Habsburg Dynasty – the lands of Belgium are united with Spain (until 1715) and then with Austria

1795-1815 – French occupation

1815 - Belgium became part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

1830 – Belgium was separated from the Netherlands – independent Kingdom of the Belgium

Belgian Revolution 1830

Belgian Revolution 1830 - source

1914-18 – First World War – first German occupation

1940-44 – Second World War - Nazi occupation – second German occupation

1944 – Belgium, together with Luxemburg and Netherlands becomes a commonwealth of states - Benelux

1949 - Belgium becomes a member of the NATO

1952 – Belgium is one of the constituent members of the European Union, Brussels is a capital city of the European Union

1977 - the country was divided into three administrative regions: Flanders (Flemings), Valonia (Valons), and Brussels

1980 - new Belgian constitution

1993 - Belgium becomes a federation

Belgium is today at risk of disintegration, due to the nationalism of Valons and Flemings