Surface area : 30 528 km2 (136th biggest in the world)
North-South 220 km, West-East 260 km

Belgium is a part of West-European region. It is located on the coast of La Manche canal (English Channel) and shares frontiers with Netherlands on the North, with the Germany and Luxembourg on the East, and France on the South. Local Time Zone is GMT + 1 hour(summer + 2 hours).

Inhabitants: 10 millions

Belgium is one of the countries with a highest population density – 328 inhabitants / Km2. Most of them live in the middle of the country and on the coast. Population is stable with natural increase 0,2% per annum.

  • 97% of local population lives in the larger cities .
  • 57% of population are Germanic Flemings (Flemish) who speak Dutch dialect, 33% are Romance Valons who speak French, 9% are Italian, French and Moroccan minorities, 1% is a German minority.
  • Official languages are French and Dutch
  • 85% of the population are Roman Catholics.
